Unreserved Timed Complete Dispersal Retirement Auction for George & Carol Rakowski    23DA

Livestock Equipment / Feed

List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
72 Inch Poly Water Trough

1 Photos 23DA11001-143



Holden, AB

32 72 Inch Poly Water Trough

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

24 inch deep

84 Inch Poly Water Trough

1 Photos 23DA11001-142



Holden, AB

33 84 Inch Poly Water Trough

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

28 inch deep

84 Inch Poly Water Trough

1 Photos 23DA11001-141



Holden, AB

34 84 Inch Poly Water Trough

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

28 inch deep

Qty of T Posts - Various Lengths

4 Photos 23DA11001-129



Holden, AB

53 Qty of T Posts - Various Lengths

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
(3) Tombstone Feeders

3 Photos 23DA11001-110



Holden, AB

60 (3) Tombstone Feeders

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
(14) 1/2 Cut Drums

3 Photos 23DA11001-112



Holden, AB

62 (14) 1/2 Cut Drums

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
Poly Water Tank

4 Photos 23DA11001-116



Holden, AB

70 Poly Water Tank

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

Melted hole

(7) 72 Inch X 96 Inch Section Bison Handling System w/ 5 Slide Gates

4 Photos 23DA11001-189



Holden, AB

137 (7) 72 Inch X 96 Inch Section Bison Handling System w/ 5 Slide Gates

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
9 Ft Hydraulic Bison Squeeze

4 Photos 23DA11001-190



Holden, AB

138 9 Ft Hydraulic Bison Squeeze

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

Steel floor w/ rubber mats, hydraulic gate, new control valve

Electronic Cattle Platform Scale w/ Digital Display

4 Photos 23DA11001-191



Holden, AB

139 Electronic Cattle Platform Scale w/ Digital Display

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

72 inch X 96 inch panel cage

(6) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

4 Photos 23DA11001-214



Holden, AB

140 (6) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 inch pipe frame with (9) sucker rails, connector posts and pins

(7) Custom Built Bison Panels

3 Photos 23DA11001-192



Holden, AB

141 (7) Custom Built Bison Panels

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

2-3/8 inch frame with 9 sucker rails, 96 inch W X 84 inch H panels w/ connector posts and pins

(9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels W/ (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

4 Photos 23DA11001-193



Holden, AB

142 (9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels W/ (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 inch frame, (9) sucker rod rails, connector posts and pins

(9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

4 Photos 23DA11001-194



Holden, AB

143 (9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 ft pipe frame, (9) sucker rod rails, connector posts and pins

(9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels W/ (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

4 Photos 23DA11001-197



Holden, AB

144 (9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels W/ (1) with 60 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 inch pipe frame, (9) sucker rod rails, connector posts and pins

(9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch X 84 Inch Slide Gate

3 Photos 23DA11001-198



Holden, AB

145 (9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) with 60 Inch X 84 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 inch pipe frame, (9) sucker rod rails, connector posts and pins

(9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) 60 Inch Slide Gate

4 Photos 23DA11001-203



Holden, AB

146 (9) 136 Inch Custom Bison Panels, (1) 60 Inch Slide Gate

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

84 inch tall, 2-3/8 inch pipe frame with (9) sucker rod rails, connector posts and pins

Qty of Connector Posts w/ Pins

4 Photos 23DA11001-199



Holden, AB

147 Qty of Connector Posts w/ Pins

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
(6) 71 Inch X 120 Inch Custom Built Panels w/ Connectors

4 Photos 23DA11001-195



Holden, AB

148 (6) 71 Inch X 120 Inch Custom Built Panels w/ Connectors

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.
UFA 200 bu Calf Creeper Feeder

4 Photos 23DA11001-009



Holden, AB

160 UFA 200 bu Calf Creeper Feeder

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

Creep panels

(7) Bar Gates

3 Photos 23DA11001-215



Holden, AB

165 (7) Bar Gates

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

(3) 16 ft X 6 bar gate, (1) 16 ft X 5 bar gate, (1) 12 ft X 6 bar gate, (1) 14 ft X 6 bar gate, (1) 18 ft X 7 bar gate

Roll Double Braid Barbed Wire

2 Photos 23DA11001-337



Holden, AB

212 Roll Double Braid Barbed Wire

From Holden go 1.7 kms west on Hwy 14 to RGE RD163, turn north for 8.2 kms to MA 50210 RGE RD163 sale on west side of road.

Categories: Unreserved Timed Complete Dispersal Retirement Auction for George & Carol Rakowski - Apr 28, 2023
