Unreserved Real Estate, Military & More Antique Auction For George & Mary McKenzie19AA
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List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 19AA0001
Taber, AB
M4 M4: 254078 Township Road 824 Plan 0320516 Blk 1 Lot 1 - ±10.18 acres
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7050
Taber, AB
101 John Deere 2955 MFWD Loader Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
JD 265 self leveling loader, 7 ft bucket, grapple, joystick, 90 HP, 16 speed partial power shift, cab, heat, 540/1000 pto, 3 pt, 2 hydraulic banks, 75% 13.6-28 front rubber, 50% 18.4-38 rear rubber, 5237 hours

4 Photos 19AA7001
Taber, AB
84 1969 Camaro Z28 Car
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
302DZ gas engine, 4 speed rock crusher Munci transmission, BE copo 410 rear end, 40000 miles, yellow SER: 124379N605095<br> Owners Comments: <br>BDY. TP711. O2D. 5757PNT X44 Z28 equipped 302 motor Minci 22 D9 R 11. 9N5 38 Hursh console shift COPO BE 0416. G2. 410 rear end. Bought New at Lake Motors Hudson Quebec, First owner Petro Ghisu Sardinia Italy a brick layer that worked on the government building in Peace River in 1969. Second Owner Gary Bowden Whitelaw AB, he raced it in Edmonton on the 137 Ave track, Gary was speed crazy, the cops said they would have to lock him or the car up so he sold it to Dan Zerken. I bought it from him in 1985 a year later it was painted yellow and black. The car has 15" wheels and a set of 8" rims for racing tires. Was this car built for NASCR why has it got Z28 parts put on it when he could have bought a new one with them already on it. How many Cameros have COPO parts? Did Berger or Yenko build this car to race under 5 liters.

4 Photos 19AA7074
Taber, AB
16 Clear Vision Model 700 Bouser Duplex Gasoline Dispenser
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
20 gallon capacity, bought in 1939

4 Photos 19AA7052
Taber, AB
104 1960 John Deere 830 2WD Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
diesel engine, electric start, 6 speed transmission, power steering, ram, 540 pto, 2 hydraulic outlets, 85% 50-18SL front rubber, 60% 23.1-26 rear rubber, 10 wheel weights, 2034 hours showing

4 Photos 19AA7062
Taber, AB
83 1955 Dodge Half Ton Pickup
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
318 V8 gas engine, auto transmission, short box, power brakes, step side, 15" tires, 63996 miles, red

4 Photos 19AA7054
Taber, AB
85 1959 Cadillac 62 Convertible Car
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
390 gas engine, hydromatic transmission, red & white interior, needs restoration, metallic grey

4 Photos 19AA7019
Taber, AB
52 Model X Rumley Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7061
Taber, AB
82 1928 Ford AR Car
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
like new, rumble seat, 40 hp gas engine, 3 speed manual transmission, 400-21 Atlas rubber, spare tire is the original, 74989 miles

4 Photos 19AA7024
Taber, AB
58 1018 Crossmount Case Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7086
Taber, AB
27 White Mark 2 A1 Half Track Military Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
sells with new set of tracks, winch

4 Photos 19AA7021
Taber, AB
57 Crossmount Minneapolis Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7089
Taber, AB
31 1953 M38 Canadian Ford Jeep
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
complete with canvas top & seat covers

4 Photos 19AA7025
Taber, AB
55 1835 Rock Island Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7017
Taber, AB
46 # 12 Bombardier
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Used to haul groceries from Fort Vermilion to the Arctic Red River on the Peace.

4 Photos 19AA7051
Taber, AB
28 1942 Fordson N Bomb & Fuel Hauler Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
hauled bombs to the Lancaster's and Halifax bombers, only one known to exist in the world. It pulled 15 wagons of bombs up to 30 mph, the women drove it, very rare, sells with 250 gallon fuel tank splits 150/200

4 Photos 19AA7071
Taber, AB
91 Southland 18 ft T/A Car Hauler Trailer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
(2) 7000 lbs axles, rubber block suspension, wood deck, ball hitch

4 Photos 19AA7083
Taber, AB
24 1936 Model G Letourneau Scraper
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
owned by Osborne Lawrence

4 Photos 19AA7031
Taber, AB
54 Oliver 99 Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
GM diesel eng

4 Photos 19AA7023
Taber, AB
61 Case C Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7057
Taber, AB
89 1994 Trav-L-Mate 25 ft 5th Wheel Travel Trailer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
front bedroom, rear kitchen, air condition

4 Photos 19AA7072
Taber, AB
87 2003 Ford F150 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
4.6 L gas engine, auto transmission, 5.5 ft box, 255/70R16 rubber, 27000 km, grey

4 Photos 19AA7008
Taber, AB
64 6 Bottom Horse Drawn Seeding Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Nicknamed Mennonite plow. Mennonites brought it from East Germany

4 Photos 19AA7033
Taber, AB
48 1942 Ford Half Ton Pickup Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
was used in the air force, 76845 miles

2 Photos 19AA7075
Taber, AB
18 Imperial Oil 3 Star Dealer Sign
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
sells with the stand

4 Photos 19AA7042
Taber, AB
99 Howard 9 ft 3 Pt Heavy Duty Rototiller
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
1000 pto, high/low gear box

3 Photos 19AA7102
Taber, AB
3 Miller Matic 251 Mig Welder
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7018
Taber, AB
51 1938 Fordson N Demonstrator Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7046
Taber, AB
36 Cockshutt 40 Grader
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
14 ft moldboard, sells with Cockshutt 40 parts tractor for the engine

4 Photos 19AA7116
Taber, AB
77A 1992 Honda Fourtrax 350 4X4 Quad
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
winch, snow blade

2 Photos 19AA7097
Taber, AB
10 Homebuilt 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7056
Taber, AB
88 Star Craft 14 ft Boat
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
30 lbs thrust electric motor, Easy Load S/A trailer, ball hitch

4 Photos 19AA7063
Taber, AB
81 1963 Honda 90 Trail Bike
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
3039 miles, red

4 Photos 19AA7029
Taber, AB
60 Case 500 Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
diesel engine

4 Photos 19AA7032
Taber, AB
49 1938 John Deere D Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
on rubber, very little use

4 Photos 19AA7022
Taber, AB
62 Letourneau Tumbo Bug
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Was used to build railroad sites from Peace River to Fairview.

2 Photos 19AA7095
Taber, AB
7 Sweg Block With Horse Shoe Vice
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7081
Taber, AB
22 1955 No. 11 Gordon PAPPS Kenworth Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
6 cyl Cummins engine, manuals, original line ticket, needs restoration

4 Photos 19AA7090
Taber, AB
32 No. 13 CWT 1500 Ford Military Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7087
Taber, AB
29 Ford 1500 CMP No. 11 Military Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7096
Taber, AB
9 Canadian Blower & Forge Co. Drill Press
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7002
Taber, AB
77 John Deere 2 Bottom Walking Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7003
Taber, AB
73 John Deere Original 1 Bottom Breaking Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7064
Taber, AB
80 Honda Z50 Motor Bike
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7068
Taber, AB
94 Lincoln SA200 Welder on Transport
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7118
Taber, AB
90 Vanguard P89F 8.5 ft Camper
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7030
Taber, AB
59 Cockshutt 40 Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7058
Taber, AB
92 Homebuilt 13 ft Elevated Car Ramp
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7059
Taber, AB
93 Homebuilt 15 ft Elevated Car Ramp
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7078
Taber, AB
21 (2) Mark 2 Brengun Carrier
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
these 2 to complete 1

3 Photos 19AA7105
Taber, AB
6 Gas Forge
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7104
Taber, AB
15 Sioux Valve Grinder
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
complete with stones & wheels

3 Photos 19AA7041
Taber, AB
98 John Deere 506 3 Pt 60" Rough Cut Mower
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
540 pto

2 Photos 19AA7076
Taber, AB
17 45 Gallon Imperial Oil Limited Barrel
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7055
Taber, AB
86 1959 Cadillac Sedan Deville 2WD Car
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
390 gas engine, hydromatic transmission, needs restoration, yellow,

4 Photos 19AA7077
Taber, AB
45 Home Built 6 ft X 4 ft Steam Engine Lawn Ornament
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7040
Taber, AB
39 Oliver 77 Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7027
Taber, AB
50 1952 John Deere D Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7039
Taber, AB
100 Allied 84" 3 Pt Snow Blower
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7053
Taber, AB
105 John Deere 110 Garden Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
12 hp Kohler gas engine, 36" deck

4 Photos 19AA7082
Taber, AB
23 Caterpillar 60 Crawler Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
original owner was Floyd Kreege, 1st Cat to come to Peace River country

4 Photos 19AA7026
Taber, AB
53 John Deere AR Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7035
Taber, AB
43 Massey Harris 35 Self Propelled Combine
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7073
Taber, AB
15A Karcher HDS 1055 Hand Wash Pressure Washer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
diesel engine, hot water, soap,

3 Photos 19AA7013
Taber, AB
74 J.Dorsch & Sons Milwaukee RR Plow # 4 1 Bottom Walking Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Was used to build railroad from Edmonton to Peace River.

3 Photos 19AA7067
Taber, AB
77B 4 Wheeled Yard Wagon
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7092
Taber, AB
34 Mark 1 Brengun Carrier Parts
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

1 Photos 19AA7098
Taber, AB
12 National Table Saw
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7036
Taber, AB
42 Massey Harris Clipper Self Propelled Combine
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7047
Taber, AB
37 Army Tool Box For 3 Ton Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7103
Taber, AB
2 Homebuilt Shop Hoist On Wheels
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7094
Taber, AB
1 Binks 220V Shop Air Compressor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7043
Taber, AB
102 John Deere Forks
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
fits John Deere 2955 tractor

3 Photos 19AA7069
Taber, AB
95 Homebuilt Air Compressor With Sandblaster
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
1000 pto

4 Photos 19AA7085
Taber, AB
26 Chev 30 CWT Army Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
motor not in but sells with the truck

4 Photos 19AA7091
Taber, AB
33 Ford CWT 1500 Parts Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
6000 lbs military gravel box, mechanical lift

4 Photos 19AA7093
Taber, AB
35 Mark 1 Carrier
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
complete drive train inside carrier, comes with carrier for parts

2 Photos 19AA7101
Taber, AB
14 Reed Railroad Vice
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7070
Taber, AB
96 Homebuilt 84" X 36" X 43" Sandblaster Cabinet
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
on transport wheels

2 Photos 19AA7099
Taber, AB
13 Upright Manual Tire Changer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7004
Taber, AB
72 John Deere 2 Bottom Gang Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7006
Taber, AB
66 John Deere 3 Pt 4 Bottom Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7119
Taber, AB
4 Omni Heavy Duty Shop Cut Off Saw
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7121
Taber, AB
8 Metal Work Bench with 2 Vises
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7009
Taber, AB
67 Oliver 2 Bottom Gang Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7010
Taber, AB
68 Verity 1 Bottom Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Was used to build a road from Peace River to Fairview.

3 Photos 19AA7049
Taber, AB
38 1939 John Deere D Parts Tractor
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7065
Taber, AB
79 Totgot 2 Wheel Motor Bike
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
Briggs engine

4 Photos 19AA7088
Taber, AB
30 Benhur 4 ft X 8 ft S/A 2 Wheel Trailer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

1 Photos 19AA7100
Taber, AB
11 Wood Jointer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7011
Taber, AB
70 1 Bottom Walking Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7012
Taber, AB
71 John Deere 1 Bottom Prototype Walking Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7016
Taber, AB
63 Old 10 Ft Tandem Disc
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7037
Taber, AB
41 Fork Lift
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7044
Taber, AB
103 Shop Built Log Grapple
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
fits John Deere 2955 tractor

3 Photos 19AA7060
Taber, AB
40 Spring Wagon
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
2" rubber, 2" angler that the rubber is on

4 Photos 19AA7079
Taber, AB
19 Diamond T DT969 Wrecker Truck
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
5 window cab, sells with parts truck

4 Photos 19AA7084
Taber, AB
25 8 Ton Military Fruehauf Trailer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
with dolly

2 Photos 19AA7080
Taber, AB
20 Model T Camper
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
(4) spoked wheels,

2 Photos 19AA7015
Taber, AB
76 Walk Behind Garden Cultivator
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7038
Taber, AB
39A 3 Pt Cement Mixer
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

3 Photos 19AA7005
Taber, AB
69 John Deere 4 Bottom Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7014
Taber, AB
75 Walk Behind Garden Cultivator
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

4 Photos 19AA7034
Taber, AB
44 Owatona MA Self Propelled 12 ft Swather
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7120
Taber, AB
5 Mastercraft 14" Cut Off Saw
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
steel stand

3 Photos 19AA7007
Taber, AB
65 3 Bottom Horse Drawn Plow
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
not complete

4 Photos 19AA7028
Taber, AB
47 Anhydrous Applicator
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
25 acres per tank

1 Photos 19AA7066
Taber, AB
78 Totgot Frame
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8

2 Photos 19AA7048
Taber, AB
97 100 Gallon Jockey Tank
Lantic Inc, 5405 64 St Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/wjc7wMY987TxdfRx8
manual pump
Attractive ±10.18 acre parcel with cozy cedar log 3 bedroom 2 bath home, heated shop and solid built large pole shed for storage. Located on edge of Brownvale and is just 23 km to amenities in Grimshaw.