Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB22KH

Parts / Accessories / Shop Supplies

List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price

4 Photos 22KH05003-032


Drayton Valley, AB

29 72 Compartment Bolt Bin with Hardware

Bolts, nuts, screws, washers, assorted fittings


4 Photos 22KH05003-035


Drayton Valley, AB

24 (4) Shop Racks with Assorted Hoses, Welding Cable and Extension Hoses


4 Photos 22KH05003-074


Drayton Valley, AB

86 Qty of Shop Items

300v wire, reusable bags, mop bucket, new and used gloves


4 Photos 22KH05003-008


Drayton Valley, AB

51 (30) Boxes of Miscellaneous Pipe Fittings, Screws, PVC Pipe and Plastic Fittings


4 Photos 22KH05003-016


Drayton Valley, AB

49 Qty of Parts Bins with Parts

Screws, air compressor fittings, vinyl electrical tape, pad locks, hose/pipe fittings, shop tools & accessories, (2) blue totes


3 Photos 22KH05003-117


Drayton Valley, AB

221 (2) Tarps


3 Photos 22KH05003-059


Drayton Valley, AB

90 Qty of Shop Fluids


4 Photos 22KH05003-062


Drayton Valley, AB

134 Qty of Shop Items

Grease guns, (4) tubes of grease, lantern, flashlight, welding rod case, Stihl dremel


4 Photos 22KH05003-029


Drayton Valley, AB

19 Qty of Metal Parts Bins with Parts

Hydraulic fittings, copper fittings, muffler clamps, screws, washers


4 Photos 22KH05003-034


Drayton Valley, AB

53 Qty of Chains and Boomers


4 Photos 22KH05003-064


Drayton Valley, AB

89 Qty of Shop Items

Space heaters, extension cord, jack, rope, electrical connectors, electrical boxes, Bosch impact drill, Pro Point air impact, heat lamp


4 Photos 22KH05003-090


Drayton Valley, AB

87 Miscellaneous Shop Items

Oil and miscellaneous filters, shop stool, chain saw safety chaps, extension cords, (2) rolls of packing tape, Oster clippers, booster cables


4 Photos 22KH05003-022


Drayton Valley, AB

16 Qty of Shop Fluids

Oils, grease, citronella


4 Photos 22KH05003-045


Drayton Valley, AB

28 Qty of Shop Items

(2) portable lights, paint mixer, face shield, (2) 14 inch chop saw blades, (9) 4 inch flap discs, qty of 5 inch zip discs, 5 inch fibre discs, 4-1/2 inch grinder discs, assorted tools, 36 inch shelf


4 Photos 22KH05003-060


Drayton Valley, AB

136 Qty of Shop Fluids, Zip Ties and Snap-On Flashlight


3 Photos 22KH05003-149


Drayton Valley, AB

13 Qty of Brooms, Rakes, Shovels, Tree Loppers, Zohan Ear Muffs with Radio


4 Photos 22KH05003-150


Drayton Valley, AB

14 Qty of Brooms, Shovels, Axe, Pick Axe, Potato Fork


4 Photos 22KH05003-112


Drayton Valley, AB

75 (8) Wire Mesh Screens, (3) Tomato Cages, (1) Roller Stand, Golf Bag Cart


4 Photos 22KH05003-021


Drayton Valley, AB

38 Qty of Parts Bins with Parts

Rivets, hose clamps, muffler clamps, screws, cotter pins, nuts and washers


4 Photos 22KH05003-038


Drayton Valley, AB

35 Qty of Shop Supplies

Trowels, plywood clips, steel wool, sand paper


4 Photos 22KH05003-040


Drayton Valley, AB

18 Qty of Shop Supplies

3 inch nails, 1-1/4 inch roofing nails, rags, blue bags, floor absorbent, (2) 12-5 inch x 4 inch tires, welding rods, assorted tools


4 Photos 22KH05003-048


Drayton Valley, AB

21 Qty of Shop Items

Squares, axe and hammer handles, broom head, trouble light, zip ties, hardware


4 Photos 22KH05003-142


Drayton Valley, AB

220 Qty of Garden Hoses and Poly Pipe


4 Photos 22KH05003-098


Drayton Valley, AB

122 John Deere Fender Part # M153764 & (2) Belts, (2) Bearings

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB - Nov 11, 2022
