Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for Shane Williamson23EJ
Shop / Tools / Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
3 Photos 23EJ29001-138
Enderby, BC
39 Pallet of Shop Equipment
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-053
Enderby, BC
44 5 Inch Pallet Racking
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.
Various lengths

3 Photos 23EJ29001-111
Enderby, BC
36 Sand Blaster W/Wet Kit
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

1 Photos 23EJ29001-112
Enderby, BC
40 Mastercraft Mitre Saw
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-117
Enderby, BC
43 Airco DC Welder
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.
Primary 230/460, 80/40V

2 Photos 23EJ29001-121
Enderby, BC
37 Pressure Washer & Generator
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-156
Enderby, BC
38a General Electric 5KC184BL264CU Lathe
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

1 Photos 23EJ29001-113
Enderby, BC
41 Kilotech Scale
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

2 Photos 23EJ29001-127
Enderby, BC
30 (2) Pumps
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-114
Enderby, BC
61 Miller 250 AC/DC-HF Tig-Matallic Arc Welder
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-136
Enderby, BC
38 Planer and Joiner
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.
Ramps, vice, tire chains, paint pot and spray gun