Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for Shane Williamson23EJ
Irrigation Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
3 Photos 23EJ29001-151
Enderby, BC
66 Qty of Irrigation Parts
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-155
Enderby, BC
68a Irrigation Pump
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.
Ran when parked

3 Photos 23EJ29001-099
Enderby, BC
62 (2) Sprinkler Heads W/Stands
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-100
Enderby, BC
64 Sprinkler Head W/Stand
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

3 Photos 23EJ29001-101
Enderby, BC
65 Sprinkler Head W/Stand
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

3 Photos 23EJ29001-102
Enderby, BC
63 (2) Sprinkler Heads W/Stands
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-009
Enderby, BC
68 Rudolf Bauer 82-300DT Irrigation Reel
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.
3 inch X 885 ft hose

4 Photos 23EJ29001-011
Enderby, BC
69 Skid Mounted Irrigation Gun
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-033
Enderby, BC
67 Qty of Various Size Irrigation Pipe W/Pipe Trailer
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.

4 Photos 23EJ29001-157
Enderby, BC
69a Irrigation Gun
355 Brickyard Road, 1 Km north of Enderby, BC. East side of road just off Hwy 97.