Equipment Consignment Auction24LD
Truck Attachments
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24LD10014-001
Drayton Valley, AB
313 Picker and Steel Truck Deck

4 Photos 24LD42005-001
Edmonton, AB
312 T-Two-Industries 8 Ft X 11 Ft Steel Truck Deck
with built in fifth wheel hitch

4 Photos 24LD10005-003
Drayton Valley, AB
292 8 Ft Steel Headache Rack
Came off Chevrolet long box

4 Photos 24LD10005-004
Drayton Valley, AB
293 8 Ft Steel Headache Rack
Came off Chevrolet long box
96 inch x 78 inch steel truck deck, wooden deck, fold down sides, lights, tool boxes, Effer 3 stage 62-3S picker, 29 ft