50 Harsh 575 S/A 4 Auger Feed Wagon
1000 PTO, 112R22.5 duals
This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.
Livestock Equipment / Feed Unreserved Online Timed Equipment Consignment Auction for NBI Feedyards – Lamont, AB, Jun 3, 2023
38A Highline Rockmaster R56 60 Inch Rock Picker
45 Degelman M34 T/A Vertical Twin Beater Manure Spreader
46 Trioliet SM336ZKT Solomix 3-3600 T/A Feed Wagon
47 Highline Bale Pro CFR650 Bale Processor
49 Neufelds Welding Tractor Mount Cow Catcher
53 Bridgeview 8200 Bale King Bale Processor
54 Kan-Roll T/A High Moisture Roller Mill
55 1997 Knight 8030 Pro Twin 16 Ft T/A Manure Spreader
56 (3) Mirco Big Spring 6000 Watering Troughs (Unused)
57 Miraco 6000 Big Spring (4) Mirco Big Spring 6000 Watering Troughs