Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction22DF

Shop / Tools / Equipment

Drayton Valley, AB

1020 Titan XL295 Commercial Airless Paint Sprayer

(2) sprayer guns, extra tips, (2) paint hoses, (2) rolls of poly hose cover, manual, extra screens

Id Number:
Team Auctions Yard Drayton Valley
3351 50 St Drayton Valley, AB
Phone: 780-542-4337
Equipment located at Team Auctions Drayton Valley consignment yard can be viewed anytime Mon to Fri from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Extended sale hrs include Sat, Apr 9 from 9 AM - 4 PM. Offsite equipment can be viewed by contacting the owner with the phone number provided. Offsite equipment can be viewed by contacting the listed contact at the phone number provided.
All items purchased must be removed within 5 days of auction. Equipment located at Team Auctions Drayton Valley consignment yard can be loaded out Apr 13 - 15 & 18 from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Extended sale hrs include Sat, Apr 16 from 9 AM - 4 PM, Closed Sun, Apr 17 and all subsequent weekends. Offsite equipment will be by appointment with the consignor and phone number provided. Buyer or his transporter will require a paid invoice to have items released. Failure to remove the equipment within 30 (thirty) days of the auction may be deemed “Abandoned” and disposed of by the auctioneer at its sole discretion with no compensation for the buyer whatsoever. Offsite loadout will be by appointment by calling the listed contact at the phone number provided. Buyer or his transporter will require a paid invoice to have items released.

This sprayer has been used very little and is a very good unit.

This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.

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Shop / Tools / Equipment Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction – Drayton Valley, AB – Apr 8, 2022
