185 7 FT 3 Pt Hitch Cultivator
This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.
Tractors Unreserved Timed Farm Auction of John & Laura Chrapko – Vegreville, AB, Jun 9, 2021
183 3 Pt Hitch 72" Flail Mower
184 Ferguson 3 Pt Hitch 8 Ft Disc
186 Massey Ferguson 31 3 Pt Hitch 7' Sickle Mower
196 Weldco 12 FT Blade
217 1984 John Deere 4850 MFWD Tractor
218 1986 Case IH 9180 4WD Tractor
220 Set of 480/80R42 Rear Tractor Tires & Rims